Case Study 1 – Nestle
Corporate Video for Nestlé
For the second year running, Fullframe Creative has collaborated with Hogarth Worldwide to produce Nestlé’s end-of-year video. This B2E video is a message from the CEO to all Nestle employees. Last year, AI was all the rage and so it had to feature in this production.
AI is making waves everywhere, including in the field of video production. For corporate video, it can help cut down on costs and production time, but in a case like this, that wasn’t the goal. Instead, AI was used to make this video stand out visually, showing off what AI can do. In video production, AI can literally create visuals from scratch, either filling voids or overlaying ontop of existing video. This technology is going to make just about everything one an dream of possible in video production.
Case study 2 – UEFA
Corporate Video for UEFA
UEFA’s Congress Video
Every year, UEFA holds a corporate congress at which its multiple committees across Europe gather to present their accomplishments, challenges and goals. Trouble is, doing so, in person, on stage took time, too much time. When a task force from UEFA’s communications department called us in to discuss the problem, they told us that many were leaving the room when the chairmen took the stand. The mission was to come up with a solution.
After analyzing the situation, we proposed to use a combination of corporate video and animation to deliver the committee’s key messages in a much more succinct and dynamic way. The footage would come from UEFA’s archives and we would handle the animated elements.
Given the stakes, the quality of the production had to be top-of-the-line, so 3D animation was a no-brainer. Together, we decided to create an introduction with children getting together on a football field. There, they pull out a magazine, which we did up in a panini sticker book style. This became the pretext to introduce each committee chairman, as if they were players.
We then animated in text to deliver certain key points, and then segued to video footage that illustrated the achievements being enumerated by the voice over. To keep things fresh and varied, we opted to toggle between a man and a woman’s voice. It was a big success, especially with the top brass, who immediately gave their green light to make this an annual production.
We have since been at it each year, and we are now working with UEFA to provide other, complementary, services to improve the event’s digital coverage and experience for participants. This includes augmented and virtual reality elements, as well as other creative communications solutions. The final corporate video was shown on a large screen at the congress and posted on the UEFA website.
Case Study 3 – BOBST
Corporate Video for BOBST
BOBST, in Mex near Lausanne Switzerland, is a regular customer of Fullframe Creative’s.
We produce many videos for the firm each year, including this one promoting the 80th anniversary of a machine line called Folder/Gluers. We wanted at all costs to avoid the classic approach to this kind of video, i.e. shoot 2-3 interviews and integrate the highlights with cutaway images.
With a scenario that links trail running in the mountains and the relationship between a Bobst representative and his customers, we create a parallel with this video that is not only captivating in terms of visuals, but also in terms of emotion.
This video is a good example of a creative corporate video. By avoiding doing what everyone else is doing, we find a way to get a message across in a surprising, innovative and impactful way. But only if the client is prepared to take the risk of breaking the mould. This is the case with BOBST, and we thank them for it.
Case Study 4 – Pepsico
Corporate Video for Pepsico
Event video for Pepsico
Pepsico first contacted Fullframe to cover a corporate event in Verbier, Switzerland back in 2017. Since then, the multinational company has become a regular client, calling us up to shoot corporate video in Geneva, Lausanne and just about all around the country.
But that first gig together in the Alps remains a highlight, not only because of the setting, but also because of the atmosphere at the event and the success of the relationship with the Pepsico marketing team, which has since grown to mean more than just getting things done together.
The mandate called for capturing the beauty and inspirational aspect of the mountain resort hosting Pepsico’s The Next Big Idea event. A drone was a must, clearly, but so was a Steadicam to allow us to capture much more dynamic footage than would otherwise have been possible during the awards ceremony. Several team of employees had been shortlisted for the concept they developed as Pepsico’s next big product. Our job was to capture footage of them pitching their innovation, explaining it to the top brass and holding a sort of outdoor trade show where everyone could taste their prototypes with a view on snowy peaks.
We shot interviews, statements, sales pitches, product demos and a live event held at the W Hotel. We then put together various corporate videos for the communications and marketing teams at Pepsico, who were very pleased with the results. Pepsico needs a lot of corporate video, to speak to its community of consumers on a B2C basis, of course, but also to communicate at the B2B, and even B2E level. We cover all those corporate video needs and more.
Having evolved from just a video production company into a fully-fledged creative communications company, Fullframe can now offer customers like Pepsico a much more holistic service than just corporate video production, which is something that big companies like this are looking for more and more: a one-stop creative communications service.
Case Study 5 – Medtronic
Corporate Video for Medtronic
Medtronic Program Promotional Video
The biggest challenge in producing this video for Medtronic, a multinational medical company based outisde Lausanne, Switzerland, was the sheer amount of content they wanted to show in about a minute. We could only see one way of doing it, without creating a video that would feel rushed and overly busy: split-screen.
This technique is well-known and, some would argue, hackneyed. We would tend to agree but, as with bell-bottoms and polka dots, fashions come around. It has been a while since multiscreen became popular in video production, and now what no one has used it much for a while, viewers are ready to rediscover it. We also made sure it was dynamic and adorned with motion graphics to make it more modern and visually appealing.
The shoot took place all in one day at Medtronic’s HQ in Tolochenaz, near Lausanne. Needless to say it was a hectic day, but we got it all in and everyone was very pleased with the outcome. The introductory drone shot was very painful. It was a windy, grey day, and we had to shoot the scene over and over again to get it right. Once inside, it was smoother sailing.
Fullframe Creative has been collaborating with Medtronic since 2016, when we were asked to stream video live for them during a webinar, as well as to shoot a series of product demo videos. As you can read in the reference letter Medtronic was kind enough to provide, the relationship has been very successful and it’s still going strong after all this time.
Case Study 6 – EHL
Corporate Video for EHL
EHL Hotel Manager Program
Lausanne’s Hotel School (EHL) is not far from our video production studio and we often work for this prestigious and internationally known management school. This particular mandate aimed to promote EHL’s hotel manager training program. A main video was needed for the school’s website, and social media versions to help with the video marketing online.
Luckily, as we provide EHL with a regular corporate video production service, we had archival footage of a splendid old hotel. in the beautiful Interlaken area, where we’d flone our drone for a previous corporate video production, capturing great footage of the alps in the process. For this video, we mostly did lots of shooting at EHL’s Headquarters just above Lausanne, as well as in several other locations to gather interviews and b-roll for the post-production.
The video had to be subtitled and edited down to a few short videos for social media. This is quite standard requirement for those providing corporate video production service nowadays. With AI, creating subtitles has now become a lot more efficient, and so cost-effective, than it used to be when each subtitle had to be created separately.
Fullframe Creative has been collaborating with the Ecole Hotelière de Lausanne for many years now. It is always a pleasure to work in the international environment of this management school. As a corporate video production company, we have to deliver top-of-the-line interview quality, not just in terms of image quality, but also in the whole customer management and communications process.
The 3 Cs of Corporate Video Production
Fullframe excels at corporate video production and company films. It’s the core of our business. In the last 10 years, we have created hundreds of compelling corporate videos for clients ranging from the neighborhood gym to high-profile clients like Nespresso, Facebook and UEFA. What’s the secret to our success? We call it the 3 Cs of corporate video production:
- Comprehensive
- Ceative
- Competent
Corporate Video Production
This means, above all, listening and learning about our clients to fully understand what context their corporate video production fits into. From experience we know there’s far more ROI in a video that integrates and builds on company communications and marketing strategies than in stand-alone, one-hit wonders.

So before we roll out the cameras, we take the time to study the big picture and make observations and recommendations that have often set us apart from our competitors in the eyes of prospective customers. This intelligent approach means your corporate videos are far more on-target and that they provide far more mileage.
Corporate Video Production

Once we know how your corporate video will best fit into the grand scheme, it’s time to make it stand out. The best way to do that is to make it fresh, original, smart.
By gathering our creative team every time a great concept or storyline is needed, we draw on many creative brains to come up with the best ideas. With your guidance, we make sure they are aligned with your brand imperatives and away we go.
Corporate Video Production
Clearly, great ideas fall flat if poorly executed. Our production crews are at ease shooting high-quality video in all sorts of circumstances, from the run-and-gun scenario to the meticulously storyboarded TV ad. Top-of-the-line equipment is important, of course, but so is planning, technique, lighting, and, last but not least, audio.

In the end, though, experience makes all the difference. Our crews have spent over 10 years shooting corporate video in professional circumstances. Even when the unexpected happens, they improvise, they do what they have to. They get it right!
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