
Social media video showreel

Social Media Video Production – Watch our social media video showreel. This shows samples of our work and provides a sense of how important and impactful social media video can be when used as a creative communication tool.


The Swiss Facebook team mandated Fullframe to make versions of Nestlé TV ads specifically tailored to social media. By changing the aspect ratio, adding on-screen text and cutting the videos shorter, we turned these ads into snappy social media videos that gave Nestlé more ROI. We worked on three of these with Facebook. The collaboration went very well and we have since done other work with the Swiss Facebook team.

Watch the optimized social media videos & read the full case study.


The World Health Organization often orders video production from Fullframe, typically animation that we provide in its original form and also a version to serve as social media video. This animation aims to raise awareness on tuberculosis in the world today. Please visit our webpage on animation to see the original version. This is the social media video version.

Watch this social media video and read the full case study.

Read WHO’s Google review for Fullframe Creative.


CNN Money Switzerland commissioned Fullframe to produce a number of branded content pieces that also had to be cut down to make social media videos. These v
ersions had to be shorter, of course, and so needed to retain only the most important and impactful moments of the longer pieces. That’s where smart editing comes in.

Watch this social media video and read the full case study.

Read CNN’s review of SmartCuts Creative for Social Media Video Production.

US Mission to the United Nations

The US Mission to the UN reached out to Fullframe for the promotional video they needed to shore up their candidate’s bid for the top job at ITU. Doreen Bogdan-Martin was thrilled with the video we made for her, and even managed to get the US Secretary of State to Tweet it on her behalf end of 2021.

Watch this social media video and read the full case study.

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Social media case study

Videos for Geneva’s Facebook

Social Media Video for Facebook

Fullframe Creative Agency social media background device original
Fullframe Creative Agency social media background device optimized

The Swiss Facebook team, based in Geneva, got in touch asking us to help conceive and edit social media videos based on TV ads produced for Nestlé. The goal was to show the Swiss food giant that it could get far more mileage out of its expensive advertizing than it was currently getting.

As we all know, ROI is key. Facebook sent a producer to the Fullframe studio. Together, we worked on recasting 3 of Nestlé’s top performing ads as social media videos. Video for the web and television is, nowadays, almost exclusively made in 16:9 aspect ratio, but this is not ideal for social media platforms, which people often visit on their smartphones, held vertically, and in circumstances where listening to the audio may not be an option.

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With the Facebook producer, Fullframe video editors worked on converting these ads to 9:16 ratio and adding text bubbles in animation to drive the message in a simple way, replacing the need for audio to understand. We also cut the videos much shorter. Even though the original ads were already fairly compact, for social media video, we needed something even tighter.

Facebook and Fullframe worked together to make intelligent cuts so that the best and most important parts of the full ads were retained. Anything extraneous was dropped. This project was a perfect opportunity to put the spirit behind our company name into action: making smart cuts to content so that only the best remained – the best being determined by the goals and the circumstances.

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Fullframe Creative Agency social media background device original
Fullframe Creative Agency social media background device optimized
Fullframe Creative Agency social media background device original
Fullframe Creative Agency social media background device optimized

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Social Media case study

Capturing campaigns for WHO

Social Media Video for WHO

The World Health Organization, has become a regular client at Fullframe Creative, including when it comes to producing social media video. The UN agency contacts us often to help it communicate in various campaigns through social media video. We have worked especially with the department dealing with Tuberculosis, doing animation, video and animation combined as well as social media videos with these.

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Busy as they are, the WHO task forces typically send us their key messages in bullet points, which we then work into a draft script. The script is always the backbone of any social media video project, unless, of course, there is no voice over. During this part of the pre-production, we submit shortlists to WHO of both voice over artists we feel will fit the bill, as well a music tracks. Once these are selected, and once the script is finalized, we create an online storyboard. We use a tool called Boords for this, which is a third-party professional solution to drafting storyboards. 

These are particularly important for social media animation projects, not only because graphics are, for obvious reasons, harder to envisage in exact form than real actors and sets for video shoots, but also because graphics take time to create and animate, so we really want to make sure that everyone is on the same page before we start to make all that happen.

Depending on the complexity of the project, we may start off with hand sketches. Once these are vetted and approved by the customer, we then turn them into CGs (computer graphics). Again, these get a round of review and modifications before we move on to actual animation.

WHO, like many of our clients, particularly appreciate the tool we use for feedback on social media video drafts. Once the graphics have been animated, we send what we call VRPs – Video Review Pages, which allow the viewer to click anytime, anywhere on the video to insert a comment. This comment gets automatically time-coded and appears both as a dot on the video, but also in full form in the margin on the right. Take a look at how this works.

It makes providing feedback on animation and social media video so much easier than using email, pdf’s or other text-based documents that are not kept current in real time. Once all is ship-shape and as you want it, we deliver the final animation via Dropbox or any file transfer protocol of your choice.

Read WHO’s Google review for Fullframe Creative.

Social Media case study

CNN’s visual identity through videos

Social Media Video for CNN

CNN Money Switzerland came to Fullframe for video ads of various types, notably branded content. This kind of video advertising aims for longer content that ostensibly revolves around reporting that could almost pass for news, but is, really, focused on highlighting a certain company, service, product or even region. CNN also asked that we make social media video of these video ads.

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We produced a series of these for CNN which focused on the canton Jura. The region’s tourism office wanted to showcase attractions and economic heavy-weights, and those very same – famous watchmakers all – wanted the publicity on a channel that reaches hundreds of millions of viewers. To produce this social media video series we worked closely with all stakeholders to draft detailed storyboards so that each sortie to the Jura would be as efficient and effective as possible, thereby providing an optimal return on investment.

Unfortunately, the season, autumn, was not ideal and it was impossible to align CEO availability with moments of sunshine, so a lot of the exterior shots are a bit grey. The drone videographer was particularly frustrated as these were great opportunities to bring back quality footage.

Nevertheless, the social media video series was a big success and well received by Zenith, Longines, Swatch and Omega, as well as CNN and Jura’s tourism office.

Read CNN’s review of Fullframe Creative for Corporate Video Production.

Social Media case study

US Mission to UN, Content in Videos

Social Media Video US Mission to UN

Fullframe Creative and the US Mission to the United Nations have a long and fruitful history of collaboration, mostly in video production, but also content creation, design, branding, photography training and more. Late 2021, the Mission was supporting Doreen Bogdan Martin’s push for the top job at ITU, the International Telecommunications Union. They needed a great video, and they called us.

We shot the interview at the new sports stadium in Lausanne, where we have contacts for easy access. It’s a perfect venue for many shoots, including a good corporate setting for this type of video production. We also shot broll of Doreen there, and mixed that with still shots of her at work, provided by the US Mission. A good sound mix and some crafty editing later, we had a solid social media video to present. 
The video was so well received that even the US Secretary of State deigned Tweet it in support of the campaign. It’s a tight, impactful piece of work that constituted the pillar of the campaign’s communications drive on social media. We’re thankful to the US Mission to the UN for their fidelity over the years and look forward to many more lively productions together.

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Q&A on social media

Why social media video?

How does Fullframe Creative know how to produce a successful social media video? Well, for one thing, Facebook told us. Fullframe Creative helped Facebook’s Geneva team adapt a series of Nestlé ads to have a greater impact on the Facebook Timeline. This type of optimization applies to other social media platforms too. Not only are you optimizing viewer experience this way, but you’re also getting more mileage out of your videos.

Fullframe Creative guarantees professional results in both social media videos produced for posting and live streaming social media video events. We can help you to post a video, promote a video, and monitor that video’s performance so that you can hone your next campaign for a greater ROI. We mostly do video production in Lausanne and Geneva, but also routinely take on projects further afield in Switzerland and abroad.

Why social media video with Fullframe?

Because every Fullframe Creative employee pushes the boundaries of video production by drawing on our vast individual and collective experience and applying their knowledge in new and creative ways.

Social Media

How does it work?

Fullframe Creative starts by fully understanding your social media video goals. What you want to achieve with your social media video will determine all further workflow parameters, including budget and timeline. Fullframe Creative then scripts and storyboards your video and then determines the crew and technical equipment. Next, studio time is allotted and/or locations booked. Your social media video may have a lot or a little post-production such as animation, special effects, and kinetic type.

One thing is certain, every Fullframe Creative pushes the boundaries of video production by drawing on our extensive individual and collective experience and applying this knowledge in new and creative ways. Fullframe Creative also knows how to meet resolution, file size, and file type requirements of all the various social media platforms. We will provide an optimized social media video campaign that can cross over platforms. Ready to get more “likes” and “shares” than you ever thought possible? Add Fullframe Creative to your “friends list” today.

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