
Video Ads Showreel

Watch our video advertising showreel. This shows samples of our work in this kind of video production and provides a sense of how important and impactful video ads can be when used as a creative communication tool.

Nestlé & Facebook

The Swiss Facebook team mandated Fullframe to work on Nestlé TV ads to make sure they looked great, not only on large screens, but also on mobile phones and tablets. The challenge was to keep the message clear and compelling while making them more concise and palatable.

Watch the video ads and read the full case study.


These two commercials were produced by Fullframe Creative for Nespresso in Lausanne, Switzerland. The video shoot only required a hand model in a studio. It was the 3D compositing that was the real challenge.

Watch this video ad and read the full case study.

Read Nespresso’s review of Fullframe Creative.


CNN Money Switzerland was approached by Switzerland’s big watchmakers, and the tourism office of the Jura, to produce branded content, a type of long-form video advertising that, in this case, combines promoting top-name watch brands and the Jura region as a whole. CNN outsourced the production of these video ads from A to Z to Fullframe . We covered Zenith and Longines, as well as for Swatch and Omega.

Watch this video ad and read the full case study.

Read CNN’s review of Fullframe Creative.

Produits Dentaires SA

Produits Dentaires SA, a Swiss-based dental equipment manufacturer, approached Fullframe to produce an ad that would show off their new canula, a tool used in root canal work. The challenge was to make the tool seem magical, all the while making its smart and superior design stand out in contrast to the type of tool most dentists are still using today. We initially and naturally thought that a tooth-fairy would be a great way to bring the tool into the picture, thereby nailing the magical element in the process.

Read Produits Dentaire’s Google review of Fullframe

Watch this video ad and read the full case study.

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Advertising Video Gallery

Video advertising case study 1 – nestle video ads on facebook

Nestlé social media adverts

Video Ad for Nestlé

The Swiss Facebook team, based in Geneva, got in touch asking us to help conceive and edit social media versions of video ads produced for Nestlé.

The goal was to show the Swiss food giant that it could get far more mileage out of its expensive video ads than it was currently getting.

Anything extraneous was dropped. This project was a perfect opportunity to put the spirit behind our company name into action: making smart cuts to content so that only the best remained – the best being determined by the goals and the circumstances. As we all know, ROI is key. Facebook sent a producer to the Fullframe studio. Together, we worked on recasting three of Nestlé’s top performing ads for social media.

Watch the full series of video ads and read the full case study.

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Video for the web and television is, nowadays, almost exclusively made in 16:9 aspect ratio, but this is not ideal for social media platforms, which people often visit on their smartphones, held vertically, and in circumstances where listening to the audio may not be an option.

With the Facebook producer, Fullframe video editors worked on converting these video ads to 9:16 ratio and adding text bubbles in animation to drive the message in a simple way, replacing the need for audio to understand. We also cut the videos much shorter. Even though the original video ads were already fairly compact, for social media marketing, we needed something even tighter. Facebook and Fullframe worked together to make intelligent cuts so that the best and most important parts of the full video ads were retained.

Video advertising case study 3 – ad for nespresso

Adverts for Nespresso

Video Ads for Nespresso

Fullframe Creative produced these two video ads for Nespresso while the Swiss multinational still had its headquarters in Lausanne, Switzerland. The two coffee machines had to be completely modeled in 3D, including most of their various

components animated to show how they work and, above all, to create an impression of quality and efficiency. Producing this kind of video ad is one of Fullframe ‘ specialties, as we produce many complex animated films. Video advertising is, of course, indispensable. At a time when Internet users’ attention must be captivated in less than 5 seconds, it is imperative for brands to stand out. We all know it: a picture is worth a thousand words. Video advertising is nowadays an essential part of creative content marketing to engage viewers.

Read Nespresso’s reviews of Fullframe Creative

We have produced a number of video ads for Nespresso. Some for external use; some for internal communications, notably interviews and live panels with top management, as well as video ads to promote events and internal competitions.

For one edition of the so-called Gold Capsule Competition, we decided to make something of a parody of the famous George Clooney video ads. For another, we got Nespresso staff to shoot quick selfie videos explaining what they got out of participating in the previous year’s edition of the competition.

In addition to the video ads, we have helped Nespresso with website design and content, notably for the firm’s new careers website, for which we did all the photography as well.

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Video advertising case study 2- branded content for CNN Money

CNN Brand Videos

Video Ad for CNN

CNN Money Switzerland came to Fullframe for video ads of various types, notably branded content. This kind of video advertising aims for longer content that ostensibly revolves around reporting that could almost pass for news, but is, really, focused on highlighting a certain company, service, product or even region.

This was the case for a video ad series we produced for CNN in canton Jura. The region’s tourism office wanted to showcase attractions and economic heavy-weights, and those very same famous watchmakers all wanted the publicity on a channel that reaches hundreds of millions of viewers. To produce this series we worked closely with all stakeholders to draft detailed storyboards so that each sortie to the Jura would be as efficient and effective as possible, thereby providing an optimal return on investment.

Unfortunately, the autumn was not an ideal season for exterior shoots, and it was impossible to align CEO availability with moments of sunshine, so a lot of the outside shots are a bit grey. The drone videographer was particularly frustrated, as these were great opportunities to bring back quality footage.

Nevertheless, the video ad series was a big success and well received by Zenith, Longines, Swatch and Omega, as well as CNN and Jura’s tourism office.

Read CNN’s review of Fullframe Creative for Video Advertising Production.

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Video advertising case study 4 – new product ad for Produits Dentaires SA

Video Commercial for Produits Dentaires SA

Video Ad for Produits Dentaires

Produits Dentaires SA needed an impactful ad for an upcoming trade show and to generally promote a new product online. The Swiss-based dental equipment manufacturer mandated Fullframe to produce an ad to showcase their new canula, a tool used in root canal work.

Our mission was to cast the tool as a new, magical gadget while showing off its smart and superior design. Our first thought was the tooth-fairy, but this soon gave way to a genie because of the “wish” connotation. Indeed, many dentists no doubt wish they had a more convenient tool, so the message to convey became, “Don’t you wish you had something like this when you do a root canal?”

The challenge that the dentist and patient had to be real. We decided to embed them in a virtual, clean and simple comic strip like version of a dental cabinet, which meant, of course, shooting on green screen. But we could not do this in our studio, given the complexity of moving a dental office chair and all the equipment there, so we opted for a portable green-screen introduced into a dental office and moved around as need be for the shoot.

It was not easy dealing with the reflections and bleed in post-production, but a bit of rotoscoping got us through the sticky parts. A nice sound mix, a few effects, some savvy 3D animation and bingo! We had our ad. Produits Dentaires were thrilled with the results and are using this video in trade fairs around the world, as well as online naturally.

Read Produits Dentaire’s Google review of Fullframe

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Why video advertising?

Video is increasingly popular and effective. It’s no longer a statistic; it’s a well-known fact: your target audience is watching video, lots of video, and that’s true pretty much no matter who comprises your target audience.

  • Over 90% of B2B prospects watch online video;
  • 4 billion videos are watched on YouTube alone every day;
  • Approximately 35% of shoppers will buy a product after viewing a video ad, according to Amazon and eBay.
Image showing an advertising video to illustrate the realization service offered by Smartcuts Creative in Geneva and Lausanne for creative communication purposes

Why video advertising with Fullframe ?

Fullframe Creative has mastered strategic video advertising campaigns. We have a well-oiled brainstorming hive of creatives who develop visual and scripted concepts designed specifically to persuade. We have our finger on the pulse of demographic trends and present a call to action specifically directed to your brand’s target audience. Successful video advertising can go viral when shared through social media.

Image showing an advertising video to illustrate the realization service offered by Smartcuts Creative in Geneva and Lausanne for creative communication purposes

If your video ad is funny, clever, uses wordplay, is visually striking, and features great music or a catchy jingle, it is more likely to be shared and boost your brand’s visibility in the marketplace. Fullframe Creative designs advertising videos not only to persuade but also to be memorable and competitive.

How does it work?

From our first meeting, outlining your advertising video project goals, your brand’s success is our central focus. Fullframe Creative will create storyboards, draft scripts, and rough edits and give you ample opportunity to provide feedback via Video Review Pages. We target your brand’s demographic on their preferred media platforms and with advertising video formatted to be experienced on their most-used media devices.

Precise data-based advertising avoids wasting time and money optimizing your ROI. Fullframe Creative will produce concise video advertising messaging that positions your brand above its competitors. We will bring to your advertising video project over 10 years of experience producing hundreds of compelling corporate videos for a range of local and high-profile clients.

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