
Fullframe – Medical & Biotech Video Production Showreel

Medical Video Production – We have been producing medical video for many years now, and for a growing number of clients, including the World Health Organization, Medtronic, and Lausanne’s University Hospital CHUV. Our teams have experience shooting medical equipment for product demos, but also live patients in the OR. We have even live-streamed open-heart surgery.


We produced this animated explainer for the World Health Organization’s Covax program, which seeks to ensure fair distribution of vaccines against Covid 19 around the world. The script was long and quite complex, meaning we had to find innovative ways of illustrating abstract concepts clearly. We did this in 3 languages, and it all came together beautifully.

Watch this video and read the full case study.

Read WHO’s review of Fullframe Creative.


Medtronic is one of our faithful clients and we produce many videos for this medical company every year. Some of the content we produce is corporate, some product demos, some live and hybrid events, but some really is medical in the technical sense of the term. We often shoot in the OR for Medtronic, documenting cranial drills and spinal procedures, as well as creating explainer videos for sales reps and surgeons.

Watch samples videos of our work for Medtronic.

Read Medtronic’s reviews of Fullframe Creative.


Lausanne’s University Hospital, CHUV, needed a professional video team to stream open-heart surgery to a group of surgeons around Europe who wanted to discover a new procedure. We were mandated to place a camera over the consenting patient and film the whole procedure. Beyond the audiovisual technical precision required, we had to learn all about proper OR procedure when it comes to hygiene. This was a fascinating experience that allowed our team to become more proficient at working in clinical settings.

Watch this sample video of our work for CHUV.

Read CHUV’s review of Fullframe Creative.

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Medical Video Gallery

Medical & Biotech Video Case Study

World Health Organization animated explainers

Medical video for WHO

The World Health Organization has become a regular client at Fullframe Creative, especially when it comes to animation. They contact us often to help them communicate on various campaigns. We have worked specifically with the department dealing with Covid, as well as Tuberculosis.

We have done pure animation, video and animation combined and social media versions of these animations for the UN agency. Busy as they are, WHO task forces typically send us their key messages in bullet points, which we then work into a draft script.

The script is always the backbone of any animation project, unless, of course, there is no voice over. During this part of the pre-production, we submit shortlists to WHO for both voice over artists we feel will fit the bill, as well as music tracks.

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Once these are selected, and once the script is finalized, we create an online storyboard. We use a tool called Boords for this, which is a third party professional solution to drafting storyboards. These are particularly important for animation projects, not only because graphics are, for obvious reasons, harder to envisage in exact form than real actors and sets for video shoots, but also because graphics take time to create and animate, so we really want to make sure that everyone is on the same page before we start to make all that happen.

Depending on the complexity of the project, we may start off with hand sketches. Once these are vetted and approved by the customer, we then turn them into CGs (computer graphics). Again, these get a round of review and modifications before we move on to actual animation. WHO, like many of our clients, particularly appreciate the tool we use for feedback on video drafts. Once the graphics have been animated, we send what we call VRPs – Video Review Pages, which allow the viewer to click anytime, anywhere on the video to insert a comment.

Image showing a small globe wrapped up in a stethoscope to illustrate the biotech and medical video production service offered by Fullframe creative agency studio in Lausanne and Geneva, Switzerland for the purposes of creative communication.

This comment gets automatically time-coded and appears both as a dot on the video, but also in full form in the margin on the right. It makes providing feedback on animation and video so much easier than using email, pdfs or other text-based documents that are not kept current in real time.

Once all is ship-shape and as you want it, we deliver the final animation via Dropbox or any file transfer protocol of your choice.

Medical & Biotech Video Case Study

Medicine in videos for Medtronic

Biotech video for Medtronic

The working relationship between Fullframe Creative and Medtronic goes way back to 2016, when we began by live streaming a medical education workshop held at their HQ in Tolochenaz, Switzerland.

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Read Medtronic’s first review of Fullframe Creative.
Read Medtronic’s reviews of Fullframe Creative.

The success of this event led to more requests for product demo videos, some of which we shot during live operations in hospitals like CHUV, Clinic Cécile in Lausanne, as well as various medical facilities around Europe. This is one of the reasons the Fullframe team is very familiar with the ins and outs of shooting video and photos in medical settings.

The extensive work we have done on medical and biotech product demos have also helped us hone a very effective technique, which yields excellent results at a reasonable price.

When the Covid pandemic set in, Medtronic started coming to us regularly for hybrid and virtual events, run out of our studio in Bussigny, near Lausanne. In collaboration with the Outlook Creative Group, based in the UK, we have delivered many so far, and hope to continue ramping up this service for Medtronic and other clients in years to come.

Medical & Biotech Video Case Study

Live stream videos for CHUV

Medical video for CHUV

Lausanne’s University Hospital called us up one day. Heart Surgeon Matthias Kirsch was in a hurry. He needed a team to shoot and stream live open-heart surgery, to show other surgeons around the world a new technique he had developed to do a bypass without ever stopping the patient’s heart from beating.

This video contains graphic imagery, viewer discretion is advised.

Read Lausanne University Hospital’s review of Fullframe Creative.

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We were more than happy to take up the challenge. And a challenge it was: Dr. Kirsch had to be mic’d up so that his voice could be streamed, along with the video of the operation, in real-time.

A camera had to be placed over the patient’s open, beating heart so that a detailed view of the new technique could be transmitted in sharp focus and perfect lighting. Given the conditions imposed by the OR, all this was easier said than done.

But we pulled it off and got our reference letter to prove it. But the real reward lay elsewhere: not every day you get to see something like this and record it for posterity.

Q&A – medical & pharmaceutical video production

Why Biotech Video?

Medical, pharmaceutical, biotech, and healthcare communities need corporate, advertising, and specialized video production. Medical facilities need to have medical training videos to teach staff and students. These videos showcase procedures and techniques and can be made available as online educational videos or online medical seminars. Trained video production crews familiar with operating room protocols and using specialized equipment that avoids contamination or clutter in the OR are essential to planning these shoots.

Image showing a lab tech at work to illustrate the biotech and medical video production service offered by Fullframe creative agency studio in Lausanne and Geneva, Switzerland for the purposes of creative communication.

Pharmaceutical and biotech companies need to promote new medical breakthroughs in both medication and medical technology. All of these medical videos are complex and dense in detail, making long-form medical videos the ideal media to share procedural and operational knowledge. Animation and, of course, interactive video are other tools available when producing medical videos. Minute visual content can be enlarged, paused, rotated, and overlaid with interactive text links. Medical video is one of the best options available to the medical community to quickly communicate, internally and externally, to teach and promote the latest and most effective medical tools and practices.

Why with Fullframe?

Image showing a microscope close up to illustrate the biotech and medical video production service offered by Fullframe creative agency studio in Lausanne and Geneva, Switzerland for the purposes of creative communication.

Fullframe Creative has been working with various hospitals, clinics, and biotech firms in Switzerland and around Europe since 2016. The agency has a team specially trained to produce medical, pharmaceutical, and healthcare videos. Medical facilities and healthcare professionals can choose between corporate, live, and specialized video, such as operating room shoots. Equipped with sleek, clean, specialized equipment, to avoid contamination or clutter in the OR, our medical video team is familiar with operating room protocols.

Lausanne’s University Hospital CHUV mandated Fullframe to film the open-heart surgery so that it could be screened for surgeons who had come to watch from around the world. Fullframe also does a lot of animation for the healthcare, biotech, and pharma sectors. Animation can be created to magnify, pause, and explain how the body works on a molecular level. Being able to produce a medical video that can be disseminated around the world is a great example of how video technology creates a real-world positive impact that Fullframe Creative is extremely proud of.

How does it work?

Every video production has unique requirements including medical videos produced for the medical, pharmaceutical, biotech, and healthcare communities. Fullframe Creative has experience meeting significant technical challenges presented by medical video shoots.

We deploy our specially-trained team using specialized equipment to work within operating room protocols. We have outlined a process, from the initial briefing and kick-off meeting to the final video handover, centered on listening to feedback from you, our client, every step of the way.

Image showing medical personnel at work to illustrate the biotech and medical video production service offered by Fullframe creative agency studio in Lausanne and Geneva, Switzerland for the purposes of creative communication.

We are proud of our professional quality videos, and just as proud of our client communication and supportive on-set atmosphere. Give Fullframe Creative your goal and timeline, and we will make it happen using your input every step of the way.

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