Image of the Meta logo for Fullframe Creative's Clients section.
smartcuts creative agency client nespresso logo
Image du logo de l'entreprise Mazda faisant partie de la page clients du site de l'agence Fullframe Creative.
Image du logo de l'entreprise Pepsico faisant partie de la page clients du site de l'agence Fullframe Creative.
Image du logo de l'entreprise Nestlé faisant partie de la page clients du site de l'agence Fullframe Creative.
Image du logo de l'agence onusienne OMS, faisant partie de la page clients du site de l'agence Fullframe Creative.
Image du logo de l'OGN Fond Mondial faisant partie de la page clients du site de l'agence Fullframe Creative.
Image du logo de l'agence onusienne de l'OIT dans le cadre de la page du client sur le site de l'agence Fullframe Creative.
Image du logo de l'agence unosienne HCR, faisant partie de la page clients du site de l'agence Fullframe Creative.
Image du logo de l'agence onusienne UNECE, faisant partie de la page clients du site de l'agence Fullframe Creative.
IUCN logo
Image of the Richemont company logo as part of the client’s page on the Fullframe Creative agency website.
Medtronic logo
Image du logo de l'entreprise DuPont faisant partie de la page clients du site de l'agence Fullframe Creative.
Image the UEFA logo, used on the Fullframe Creative Agency Website to showcase clients.
smartcuts creative agency client chuv logo
Image the Geneva University Hospital logo, used on the Fullframe Creative Agency Website to showcase clients.
Image the IMD business school logo, used on the Fullframe Creative Agency Website to showcase clients.
Image the EPFL logo, used on the Fullframe Creative Agency Website to showcase clients.
Image du logo de l'ONG WWF dans le cadre de la page du client sur le site de l'agence Fullframe Creative.

Among many others that we are grateful to and warmly thank for their enduring trust.

Mike olcott nat geo img 2

Drag to the left

Chevron bleu pointant vers la droite utilisé comme image de navigation sur un site web

Mike Olcott, Senior Producer at National Geographic, called us up one day asking for crew and kit to film segments of a documentary on Solar Impulse – solar-powered airplane that made the first trip around the world on the sun’s rays. For the time he was in Switzerland, we had a blast, working smart and fast together during the day, and having lots of fun and barbecues in the off hours. The collaboration was a great success and Mike left us with a sterling review.

Watch the video and read the case study.

Mike Olcott
Senior Producer at National Geographic

Nespresso Jacquelyn Campo
image du chevron pointant vers la gauche

Jackie has been a faithful client of Fullframe’s since 2016 when she ordered her first video while working as a Senior Communications Officer at Nespresso. In the next four years, we shot interviews, did live events, promo videos, video ads and more for her team, including a series called Cup of Coffee With, which aimed to bring staff closer to member of top management. Jackie then moved on to Nestlé Health Science and has kept coming back to us since.

Jacquelyn Campo
Corporate Communications Manager Nestlé-Nespresso

CNN MS paige holt
image du chevron pointant vers la gauche

As COO at CNN Money Switzerland, Paige came to us looking for branded content pieces, notably for clients like Swatch, Longines and SwissQuote. We had a great working relationship and did a lot of good work together, notably in the field of media training, studio events, as well as routine video production.

Paige Holt
COO at CNN Money Switzerland

UEFA Dana Cifrova
image du chevron pointant vers la gauche

Part of the Senior Management at UEFA, Dana Cifrova is in charge of the football association’s annual corporate congress. To give the committee achievement segment a fresh feel, she mandated Fullframe in 2019 to find an innovative communications solution. We have since been producing UEFA’s flagship corporate videos at this congress every year. The relationship is still going strong, and each time we strive to find a new way of presenting the committee’s successes and goals to the association’s executive board.

Dana Cifrova
Part of the Senior Management at UEFA

Portrait of WHO's Silvia Bertagnolio that worked with Fullframe Creative Agency studio in Lausanne and Geneva, Switzerland for the purposes of creative communication.
image du chevron pointant vers la gauche

Silvia is a key figure of the Department of Global HIV, Hepatitis and STI Programmes at the World Health Organization. Among others at WHO, she counts on Fullframe to help when it’s time to produce video, animation or other creative content. We have also worked with numerous other teams at WHO, including animated explainers regarding Covid and Tuberculosis.

Silvia Bertagniolio
Department of HIV/AIDS and Global Hepatitis Programme

Image of Boualem Belbachir, Communications Officer at ICRC and a client of the Fullframe Creative Agency in Geneva, Switzerland.
image du chevron pointant vers la gauche

Boualem reached out to us for animation to explain various procedures and important issues at ICRC, notably prison visits and attacks on healthcare workers around the world. It’s always a great pleasure to work for organizations, like the ICRC, that strive to make the world a better, safer place. We very much appreciate Boualem’s support and kind words about Fullframe.

Boualem BelBachir
Deputy Head of digital communication unit International Committee of the Red Cross

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