
To draft a smart and solid short term scheme, it’s important to keep an eye on where you’re headed long term. Who can say with 100% certainty what the future of digital marketing will look like? One thing we do know, though is that it will evolve strategically. So what are the most important digital marketing trends we’re likely to see in 2023? Fullframe Creative has done extensive research to provide a reliable answer.

Creative content - a prediction graph showing the levels of importance for customer experience, created by Fullframe Creative, a Swiss-based agency.

Digital Marketing Trends

1. The Trends
2. Keeping up with trends
3. The success of chatbots
4. More automation in marketing
5. Putting Artificial Intelligence on the Map
6. More personalized ads
7. Continued growth of influencer marketing

1. Podcasts

Nearly 90% of marketers use short-form audio content to drive prospects to interact with their company or brand. This type of content needs to be impactful and have quality audio to attract the target. Having paid off in 2022, it is frequently used on various social networks, such as TikTok, Instagram and Snapchat.

2. Artificial Intelligence

Will 2023 see a marked rise in the use of robots? It could well be. We’ve already seen huge advances in artificial intelligence (AI) over the past few years, and a sharp increase in the number of companies using AI-based automation to support their digital marketing efforts.

AI is one of the key technologies behind voice search and intelligent assistants. It has also given rise to chatbots, which are now appearing on more websites than ever before.

Artificial intelligence and marketing automation are helping to eliminate some of the tedious work in marketing, so that brands can focus on strategy, create a successful customer experience, and optimize real-time tracking. Here’s what AI will undoubtedly start doing more of in 2023:

  • Track and analyze website traffic;
  • Automatic launch ad campaigns;
  • Track and analyze purchase history on e-commerce sites;
  • Study the needs and behaviors of users.

3. Webinars

Corporate photograph taken of a woman in a webinar session, by Fullframe Creative, a Swiss-based agency.

Common in B2C, as well as in B2B, the webinar or online seminar aims to generate leads, convert curious customers and then retain them. This digital marketing strategy came to the fore during the COVID-19 pandemic, to replace the sense of proximity that was once reserved to live congresses and trade fairs. They helped maintain trust and paved the way to direct interaction with participants.

To achieve those goals, webinars must be well prepared and professionally run. We recommend making them a regular event for them to be truly effective.

4. Live streaming will continue to grow in popularity

Live streaming has been a pretty in thing for years now, but in large part owing to the rise of social platforms like TikTok, Snapchat, and Instagram, which offer live video content. By 2023, live streaming will become even more popular as more businesses use it to reach their target audiences and Generation Y.

In 2021, consumers spent 548 billion hours streaming content via mobile devices. Influencer marketing becomes even more effective when combined with live streaming, allowing potential customers to engage directly with influencers who discuss and present products firsthand.

5. Influencer marketing

Speaking of influencer marketing, in 2022, we definitely saw an increase in this marketing strategy, and the trend will continue to grow in 2023. Influencer marketing, which used to be the domain of only a few marketers, has now become the strategy of choice for just about any company with an online presence. Companies that collaborate with influencers can see excellent returns on investment through increased sales and brand awareness.

According to marketers, influencers help increase the return on investment or ROI. Present on social networks, they regularly present all kinds of content to their followers. These opinion leaders really help to get a quick visibility and a high conversion rate.

6. Social Commerce

Bar graph showing the social commerce sales in the United States from 2020 to 2025, selected by Fullframe Creative, based in Lausanne, Switzerland.

Social commerce is not new, but it is becoming an increasingly common form of shopping. Brands are becoming ever smarter at leveraging influencer marketing to create ads that fit seamlessly into social media feeds and integrate into e-commerce platforms with social media channels.

Live shopping, defined as TV shopping 2.0, showcases products via streaming or live video. According to a McKinsey analysis, compared to traditional sales channels, live shopping delivers a 10 fold increase in conversion rates. Confronted with such success, Facebook and Amazon have launched Shopping Direct and Amazon Live, their own live shopping platforms. 

Instagram and TikTok have also been particularly effective in accelerating the social commerce trend. Instagram Checkout makes it easier than ever for brands to advertise and sell their products via the platform.

For its part, Tik Tok is completely changing the game of influencer marketing, with tools such as Creator Marketplace, where brands can find creators that match their products and interests, and Tik Tok Shopping, which allows brands to engage with customers in a more meaningful way via the app.

7. Video & Animation Content

Everyone hates the idea of reading long-winded texts on websites. People are more attracted to moving pictures and animated graphics. They provide a lot of information in less time and for less effort. That’s precisely why it’s ideal to incorporate video production into your digital marketing strategy from 2023 onwards, if you haven’t already done so, to retain users on you’re the landing pages of your website.

Videos are captivating and have a far easier time capturing users’ attention. The smart thing to do is to use short, high-quality, catchy videos to make the audience stay longer on your homepage. Here and on landing pages, videos are a great way to promote your business by including your strong suits, customers testimonials, as well as technical details on services and products, once viewers have made progress on their journey to becoming faithful customers.

Visual infographic showing key statistics about visual content, selected by Fullframe Creative, a Swiss-based agency.

Get trained in web and digital marketing to keep up with the latest trends in 2023

If you want to make significant improvements to your brand when it comes to digital marketing, be sure to keep up with the latest digital trends in 2023. Try to find the time to stay abreast of the latest trends and implement them successfully. This will undoubtedly help you grow your business.

For a top rate certification course in Switzerland, we recommend Crea Geneva, which offers a Digital Marketing and Communications course “100% online.” It will help you to implement an effective web marketing strategy adapted to your targets and marketing objectives.

With the new year fast approaching, most businesses are starting to implement new digital marketing strategies with the projected 2023 trends top of mind. By using more effective channels and leveraging changes in consumer habits, marketing and creative agencies are poised to deliver an exciting year in digital marketing. 

The success of chatbots

Who visiting a website hasn’t had a moment when they would have loved to have someone answer this or that question right there and then. Well guess what, that’s what chatbots are all about. They help turn a frustrating experience of not finding the information one needs into a positive interaction with a brand. This way, the customer gets the information they need, and the supplier wins because this is a very cost-effective way to drive conversions and brand awareness.

Graph showing the ways in which consumers like to learn abot a new product or service.

That’s not about to change in 2023 – quite the contrary.

Global statistics show that the use of chatbots has grown exponentially, and it’s expected to grow by about 25% by 2024, which is a staggering growth rate. By 2023, already, more than 800 million users in over 190 countries will be using chatbots for a variety of activities, including online shopping, banking, and travel reservations (source: Onpassive).

Several chatbot trends will emerge:

  • The widespread use of voice assistants;
  • AI-powered, increasingly intelligent chatbots;
  • Conversion facilitation with conversational commerce;
  • Streamlining internal workflows, regardless of company size;
  • Automating call-center services with advances in AI.

In 2023, chatbots will increasingly offer businesses a cost-effective was of dealing with complex operations. Automation will help them overcome modern challenges.

More automation in marketing

Automation benefits businesses of all sizes in all industries. Whether you’re an SME in B2C, a B2B company, a startup or an SaaS company, you can benefit from marketing automation. The top three reasons companies are starting to automate are:

  • Streamlining digital marketing and sales;
  • Increasing customer engagement;
  • Improving customer experience.

This is why the majority of marketing tasks will be more automated by 2023. Chatbots in particular will serve as CRM, send targeted mass emails and manage conversations on social networks. They will be useful to manage, and report on, PPC (Pay-Per-Click) campaigns, for example.

With automation, brands will be able to create more personalized ads, while optimizing their customer journey with AI, or artificial intelligence. This will allow them to reduce costs due to low staff volume, improve sales and at the same time optimize business growth. No wonder the marketing automation industry is expected to grow from $5.2 billion in 2022 to $9.5 billion by 2027.

Putting Artificial Intelligence on the Map

The world has come a long way in terms of technological advancements, and Artificial Intelligence (AI) is one of them.   But what does the future of marketing look like with artificial intelligence? AI will help marketers make better decisions, create working results, improve collaboration and more.

Pink, purple and blue chart created by NGA, showing the global population from 2020 to 2030, of the ages 20 - 65. Selected by Fullframe Creative.

AI, along with data, will now be part of the essential elements in the future of marketing. Data, analyzed by AI tools, will be used to improve user experience, which will be ever more personalized. Companies will be able to convert prospects into customers more easily, as they will be able to better communicate with their target audience.

Some of the key benefits include:

  • Cost savings;
  • High productivity;
  • Quick decision-making to solve business problems;
  • Fast delivery of goods and services;
  • The development of innovation (smart bots, autonomous vehicles).

There is now a close relationship between AI and marketing, and it is a crucial element of many serious digital marketing strategy.

More personalized ads

Many retail and e-commerce brands are using artificial intelligence to track their customers’ preferences, habits and buying behavior. AI’s digital marketing and data analysis strategies are much faster and more accurate than any human capability. Based on the collected data, the insights they get help them make suggestions on products and services that may interest them. 

Don’t forget that knowing the buying habits of your customers can help you develop a more effective digital marketing strategy. This allows you to personalize your audience’s user experience, engage them and increase sales.

Take Amazon as an example. This e-commerce giant uses AI-powered recommendation engines to effectively provide personalized suggestions to help increase sales and grow their revenue. Amazon’s recommendation algorithms take into account their users’ purchase history, the items in their shopping cart, the items they liked, and what other users have purchased or viewed.

AI-based digital marketing has the potential to change the way we shop.

Continued growth of influencer marketing

In 2022, 74.5% of marketers in companies with more than 100 employees will have worked with influencers. Even though marketing budgets are expected to drop in 2023, spending on influencer marketing is forecasted to continue growing…a lot: influencer marketing budgets are expected to grow by a whopping 23.4% in 2023. The total revenue projected by 2024 for influencer marketing is $7.14 billion (up from $4.99 billion in 2022) (Source: theb2house).

But with investment skyrocketing and the financial crisis putting more emphasis on ROI, brands will have to keep up with these shifting targets, adapting their strategies to appease and engage a restless audience.

The good news is that Instagram still remains the most used platform for influencer marketing, followed by TikTok. This is because Instagram brings together a large number of creators and offers a wide selection of content formats. Features such as shopping on Instagram further ensure that you can continue to spend your budget on Instagram, especially for low-funnel activities.

Regarding TikTok, it was traditionally known for its micro influencers. But marketers are starting to realize the potential of leveraging posts from these creators instead of creating viral content themselves.

In Sum

2023 is shaping up to be an exciting time for the digital marketing industry, thanks to new trends that save money, save time and make it easier to reach targets. These trends will help multiply sales for brands and businesses.

If you want to make significant improvements to your brand when it comes to digital marketing, make sure you keep up with the latest digital trends.

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