
Fullframe – Event video showreel

Watch our showreel for live event video coverage. This shows samples of our work and provides a sense of how important and impactful live video coverage can be when professionally done.

See also Virtual Events & Tours Services


The International Union for the Conservation of Nature has been a faithful Fullframe client for over ten years now. We regularly do video production and animation for this NGO. As of 2021, we have also been doing the videography at the World Conservation Congress they hold every four years in different parts of the world. This sample is from the one held in Marseille.  

Watch this event video and read the full case study.

Read IUCN’s review of Fullframe Creative.


Fullframe has covered many Nespresso events to date, including this high-profile panel discussion, during which the Head of Communications interviews the CEO and other members of the company’s top management. This was filmed live at Nespresso HQ.

Watch some of these event videos and read the full case study.

Read Nespresso’s review of Fullframe Creative.


Pepsico often calls on Fullframe to cover corporate events it holds in Switzerland. There are many memories and highlights, but the first event video coverage we provided remains top of the list, mostly because of the stunning setting in the Alps, but also because we had a particularly good time bonding with Pepsico’s marketing and communications team.

Read the full case study.

Read Pepsico’s review of Fullframe Creative.

Clara Haskil

Fullframe Creative does event video for shows, plays, and concerts, among these the Clara Haskil International Piano Competition held in Vevey Switzerland every year. For an entire week, we film and stream live contenders playing at a level that makes them all seem like winners to us. The beauty of the piano, not only in the sound but also in the curves and reflections under the lights makes this event a treat to cover.    

Read the full case study.

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Live event video gallery

Event video Case Study

Nespresso event videos

Event video for Nespresso

Nespresso first contacted Fullframe in early 2016 to shoot corporate video. Quickly, we are also mandated to provide video coverage at various high-profile events, including top management congresses, award ceremonies, and competitions.

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For this type of coverage, it’s important to have mobile video crews that can react fast when asked to go here and shoot an interview, or to go there and make sure they record that speech. We always have a Steadicam, to allow for such mobility and to provide motion in the video we capture without running into problems of camera shake. Our crews also have light but powerful LED lighting, so that they can re-position rapidly. A sound recordist with boom also accompanies video teams, so that it isn’t necessary to place lavalier mics on people who don’t have time, or to whom you will only ask one question.

Professional event video coverage requires adaptable and flexible crews, but it also calls for thorough organization in the run up to the event. Our producers have experience managing programs, schedules and communicating with clients to make sure things go smoothly. Our videographers are thoroughly familiar with run-and-gun situations, particularly interviews. They are also used to collaborating with other crews, who might be running the lighting or audio for the event.

Read Nespresso’s review of Fullframe Creative for Event Video Production.

Event video Case Study

Capturing Pepsico’s event

Event video for Pepsico

Pepsico first contacted Fullframe to cover a corporate event in Verbier, Switzerland back in 2017. Since then, the multinational company has become a regular client, calling us up to shoot various corporate events held in and around Geneva and Lausanne.

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Pepsico needs a lot of corporate and event video, to speak to its community of consumers on a B2C basis, of course, but also to communicate at the B2B, and even B2E level. We cover all those corporate video needs. Having evolved from just a video production company into a fully-fledged creative communications company, Fullframe can now offer customers like Pepsico a much more holistic service than just corporate and event video production, which is something that big companies like this are looking for more and more: a one-stop creative communications service.

Read Pepsico’s review of Fullframe Creative for Event Video Production.

That first gig together in the Alps remains a highlight, not only because of the setting, but also because of the atmosphere at the event and the success of the relationship with the Pepsico marketing team, which has since grown to mean more than just getting things done together.

The mandate called for capturing the beauty and inspirational aspect of the mountain resort hosting Pepsico’s The Next Big Idea event. Drone video was a must, clearly, but so was a Steadicam to allow us to capture much more dynamic footage than would otherwise have been possible during the awards ceremony. Several team of employees had been shortlisted for the concept they developed as Pepsico’s next big product. Our job was to capture footage of them pitching their innovation, explaining it to the top brass and holding a sort of outdoor trade show, where everyone could taste their prototypes with a view on snowy peaks.

This was typical of event video at its most challenging: a lot of uncertainties, last minute decisions, surprises and rebounds. We shot interviews, statements, sales pitches, product demos and a live event held at the W Hotel. We then put together various corporate videos for the communications and marketing teams at Pepsico, who were very pleased with their event videos.

Event video case study

Clara Haskil Performance Videos

Event video for the Clara Haskil Piano Competition

Event video at the Clara Haskil International Piano Competition means many hours focusing on the black and white keys of a Steinway; keys that go up and down to produce the most wonderful sound in the right hands. For the videographers, it becomes almost hypnotic to zoom in and out of the action, hour after hour. The days are long, but time flies listening to all that beautiful music.

To provide the right video coverage, we use three cameras, including one focused on the inside of the piano, to capture those felt hammers banging away on taught strings. The mix is both recorded and streamed live to YouTube, so it can be embedded on the event’s official website.

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Event video of this kind is all about keeping camera movements smooth and cutting to the right shot at the right moment. The hardest part is making sure we get the name bumpers right for the competitors, because the program keeps changing. But good organization and good communication with the event team ensure it all goes well.

Event video case study

IUCN Congress Events

Event video for IUCN

The World Conservation Congress is a large-scale event held every four years that draws 10,000+ participants, from indigenous groups to G7 state presidents. Fullframe Creative was mandated in 2021 to cover the edition held in Marseille, France.

Our job was to provide daily highlight videos, do interviews, clips for social media marketing and to produce a showreel of the whole event for the closing ceremony. Our crew of 12 worked closely with IUCN’s communications team to make sure they hit all the right bases each day, and to help the NGO offer visitors professional and thorough video coverage of this flagship event.

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This required agile duos comprising a video journalist and a sound recordist. They would go out and gather footage based on the morning brief and swing by the control room to dump their shots with their assigned video editor, who would start putting stories together while the duo returned to the fray. A key part of this workflow was, of course, an Editing Director/Producer responsible for making sure all content was on-target and high quality.

The mission was a big success and IUCN granted us this reference letter attesting to this.

Read IUCN’s review of Fullframe for Event Video Production.

Event video

Why event video?

Details, details… video production!? Planning an event is truly all about the details. Event planners wear many hats, including location scout, technical coordinator, guest concierge, decorator, stage director, promotor, and check-list checker! All the thought, preparation, and many, many, hours of hard work culminate in the creation of a string of perfect (and sometimes not so perfect) amazing moments. There are many types of events, such as corporate, social, fundraising, educational, cultural, and personal events. All of these will have an audiovisual component that many times pulls all the other event elements together into a shared experience. Events can be live in-person, virtual and live-streamed, and/or shot and produced to be packaged, promoted, and released at a later date. We all know what amateur video can look and sound like: shaky, out-of-focus camera work, accompanied by inaudible, echoey sound. Hiring a professional video production company like Fullframe Creative is the best way to delegate all your event video goals.

Image showing a live event video to illustrate the realization service offered by Smartcuts Creative in Geneva and Lausanne for creative communication purposes

Why event video with Fullframe?

Why event video with Fullframe? When it’s live, it’s live. No quarter. The live video crew at Fullframe Creative has over ten years of experience in do-or-die scenarios, and we’re still thriving. Fullframe Creative has covered congresses, concerts, conferences, sports events, competitions… we know what we’re doing; we get it right! Of course, the same quality of service applies across the board. If you want event coverage without live broadcasting, we provide fast turnaround post-production to reduce latency, while taking full advantage of the leeway to deliver added value to your production. You have enough to worry about running an event, even a small one. Rest assured Fullframe Creative has got your video coverage all wrapped up.
Some of the services Fullframe has to offer for your event video include:

  • Multi-camera set-ups
  • Live mix and projection on big screens
  • Simultaneous web streaming to YouTube, Facebook, or any platform(s) of your choice
  • Webinars and Hybrid Events with video integration on Zoom
  • Satellite uplink or internet server transmission
  • Cranes, steady cams, and other specialized equipment
  • Post-production facility setup and management
  • Video press releases, highlights, and webcasts

How does it work? 

When is your event, and what kind of audiovisual support are you looking for? That’s a great place to start and to build from. When you contact Fullframe Creative, you will be happy to find a knowledgeable and experienced team ready to take all the planning for your event’s video production off your hands. Every Fullframe Creative shoot day is like a mini-event we plan and execute professionally and efficiently. The result is that we come prepared with the right crew, the right equipment, and provide the ultimate event video production experience to both our clients behind the scenes and their event attendees, with seemingly effortless presentations. Fullframe Creative can also package all the event video you need for future promotional materials, such as a highlight reel for your website and social media marketing. We know what it takes to plan and coordinate both large and small events. Maximize the return of all that hard work well into the future by hiring Fullframe Creative live, virtual, and post-event video production team.

Image showing a live event video to illustrate the realization service offered by Smartcuts Creative in Geneva and Lausanne for creative communication purposes

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